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23 Horrible Responses You Could Get When You Say ‘I Love You’

Everyone who says "I love you" are the three most magical words ever have obviously never faced a rejection. And even if they have, it was obviously not one of these horrible, horrible ones. Unfortunately though , not all of us are as lucky as that. Here are just a few of the absolute worst; what-am-I-supposed-to-do-now responses to "I love you" that make you realise those words aren't all that magical after all. 

45 Incredible Quotes On Love That Will Melt Your Heart

If you've ever been so much in love that you're tongue-tied and can't even talk about it; you're not the only one. There's something about love that puts the heebie-jeebies in your tummy. All you can do is look at your love and melt inside. We get it, and we have your back! So here are some of the most beautiful, most romantic quotes about love from books, movies and people to share with your loved ones today. Snuggle up with your Boo and let the pictures do the talking for you!